What I've Been Up To {Update #1}

Hey lovelies,

Today I thought I'd do a quick post updating you on what I've been doing the past three months!

  1. First off I celebrated my Dads birthday, we went to a lovely restaurant and I ended up ordering one of the best steaks I've ever had!
  2. Next up, was our trip to America ft. Disney Land (if you can't guess from the ears)
  3. Whilst we were there we ended up bashing into Darren Criss, who is an actor mainly known for his part in glee!
  4. Furthermore, during our time in America I ended up changing up my makeup routine a hell of a lot (to super glowy, highlighted skin and strong brows), possibly due to the large amounts I bought in Sephora.
  5. This was quickly followed by us visiting my favourite theme park - Universal Studios.
  6. Next up, was going out for a catch up meal at TGI's with my university friends.
  7. Followed by a very drunk night out!
  8. Then, there was the amazing McBusted concert which I went to with my best friend Lucy!
  9. Finally, I've recently been visiting loads of garden centres, as I really want to get into gardening this summer.
Thank you for reading lovelies!
If you want to stay up-to-date you can follow me on instagram here, or just follow any of social medias by clicking the relevant button in my side bar,

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